I am still alive, all in one piece, and hopefully back to more regular blogging. I can't believe my last post was in April. I wrote a few posts on my other blog, about my very long vacation, but ran out of memory on my iPad so couldn't upload any more photos. I'm going to try to post more about my holiday on that blog, but I've been thinking about doing that for two months and it still hasn't happened!
It's been so long since my last post, and I've struggled with what to blog about. There's so much that's happened over the last few months, it's been easier to ignore my blog rather than try to squeeze everything into the first post after such a long hiatus, or to even pick one thing to blog about.
However, if I don't start somewhere I'm never going to start. So here it is.
I've finally found my mojo.
It took months for it to return, but it's back, and I hope this time, for a very long time. I've also had to wait for my Quilt Holder Upperer to be home so that I could photograph the quilt and quilt top that I've finished.
Since I've been back from the vacation of a lifetime, I've finished McFlurry, and just in time for Christmas 2013. Never mind that it was supposed to be finished for Christmas 2011.
The wonderful Fiona at
Quilting Fairy, quilted it for me in an all over swirl pattern.
I used a panel, shock horror, in the backing as I didn't have enough backing fabric.
The back |
I need to take some more close ups to show the binding and my favourite blocks.
I finished the Mystery Star BOM quilt top. Albeit with a few changes, as it was never going to be finished, if I tried to attempt all the blocks that the lovely
Sheila designed for the BOM.
I'm really really happy with how this turned out, it's now about 60 inches square. To finish it, I made an extra block, (the aqua/green/orange block in the top left quadrant), and whipped up some more braid strips to fill in gaps. I then made a narrow black and white border followed with a piano key border using lots of white and black fabrics, with the odd coloured key thrown in to give a bit of interest. The four corners are wonky stars finishing up as 3 inch blocks. More photos to come.
I've even basted a hundred or so of the 2 1/2 inch squares that I cut
earlier in the year and I now have about 40 hexies sewn together. I changed my mind on the layout, of course, but it's starting to look good. (More photos coming soon.)
I started a Dresden quilt, finally, after three years of saying I was going to do it. (Even more photos to come!!!)
I take a long time to get my a into g.
On top of all this my brain has finally gone full steam ahead and I keep thinking of ways to use my stash. Why oh why does that happen a couple of days after I've just started a new project? I spent weeks looking through my quilting books, Pinterest, Flickr, anywhere, trying to find inspiration and drew a complete blank.
It doesn't help when you live in paradise and all the days are like this.