I'm in the midst of moving but I've joined the Mouthy Stitches Swap 2. Fortunately for me, the timing, although in the middle of a move, is not too bad, perfect would have been if it was in a month or so. I've filled in my form and loaded up a mosaic for inspiration. I don't find out who my partner is until the weekend of the move, which is good as it gives me a week of stalking and planning while I'm moving (ha, I know, I think my expectations are possibly a teensy bit high) and then I'll be able to start on the tote as soon as I'm settled in to the new house. I've already started germinating some ideas, which of course will probably change as soon as I am allocated my partner.

If you click on the mosaic it will take you to Flickr and you will find the information about each photo.
It didn't take me too long to make the mosaic as I already had quite a few of these in my Flickr favourites. Like Kay at Shocking Hocking I had quite some trouble articulating what I like. I think I have a fairly eclectic taste, although it's maybe not shown so much in this mosaic. I love bright colours and/or muted neutrals. I love clean graphic lines. I'm not that keen on linen as the background, I love the colour of natural linen but prefer the firmness of cotton. When it comes to scrappy, I like it if it's controlled. I'm not a fan of scrap vomit, I know, I'm completely going against the vast majority here. I tried to find projects that would give my partner at any skill level something that they could make, I also tried to find processes that I aspire to but have not mastered as yet. If you find none of these help you, I have hundreds of images in my Flickr favourites you can use as inspiration. I'm sure I'll be over the moon with whatever you decide to do, as long as you enjoy the process and don't stress over it.

If you click on the mosaic it will take you to Flickr and you will find the information about each photo.
It didn't take me too long to make the mosaic as I already had quite a few of these in my Flickr favourites. Like Kay at Shocking Hocking I had quite some trouble articulating what I like. I think I have a fairly eclectic taste, although it's maybe not shown so much in this mosaic. I love bright colours and/or muted neutrals. I love clean graphic lines. I'm not that keen on linen as the background, I love the colour of natural linen but prefer the firmness of cotton. When it comes to scrappy, I like it if it's controlled. I'm not a fan of scrap vomit, I know, I'm completely going against the vast majority here. I tried to find projects that would give my partner at any skill level something that they could make, I also tried to find processes that I aspire to but have not mastered as yet. If you find none of these help you, I have hundreds of images in my Flickr favourites you can use as inspiration. I'm sure I'll be over the moon with whatever you decide to do, as long as you enjoy the process and don't stress over it.