I saw this a few weeks ago on Sarah's blog at
Sara in Le Petit Village and I think it's a fun idea. It also doesn't require tagging other people. If you want to join in please do.
I don't usually share much about other stuff in my life so some of the newer visitors to my blog, (hello new readers and thanks for stopping by) will probably be
interested bored stiff, to find out some incredibly exciting facts about me.
So here goes,
Age: old, but I don't feel old, I get a fright sometimes when I look in the mirror as I expect a twenty something to be looking back at me!
Bedsize: queen
Chores You Hate: vacuuming
Dog or Cat: both, 1 dog, 2 cats and
Arnold the Siamese Fighter Fish oops, Arnold passed away last week
Essential Start to Your Day: waking up
Favourite Colour: this week, aqua
Gold or Silver: I love gold, but I wear a lot of silver these days.
Height: short 5' 2 3/4" that 3/4 of an inch really counts
Instruments You Play: piano, very badly
Job Title: slacker, mother of teenager, once upon a time, long long ago in a land far far away - Credit Controller
Kids: 1
Live: Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Mother's Name: my sister and I call her John, not her real name, long story.
Nickname: none
Overnight Hospital Stays: a few including tonsils, appendix and DVT
Pet Peeves: rude people, especially those that don't say thank you
Quote from a Movie or Show: I can't remember what I did five minutes ago, so no chance of remembering a line from a movie. Hmm how about - Go ahead, make my day!
Right or Left: right
Siblings: yes, 1
Time You Wake Up: too early
Underwear: yes
Vegetable You Hate: snow pea sprouts
What Makes You Run Late: the internet
X-Rays You've Had: too many
Yummy Food You Make: lots of things, Prawn (shrimp) and lemongrass risotto, I make a pretty good omelette too (most of the time), guacamole
Zoo Animals: penguins