It's Bloggers Quilt Festival time again, hi to everyone who is visiting for the first time and thank you for taking the time to come and visit.
This is the second Raw Edge Circle Quilt from a tutorial by Allison at Cluck Cluck Sew, that I've made. It's such a simple but effective design and was finished earlier this year. This quilt came about as I was trying to think of a design to make as a house warming present for very good friends of mine. With a little bit of sleuth work I found out that the colour scheme for the house was going to be neutrals and browns and that there was going to be a burnt orange glass splashback in the kitchen.
Fortunately I spied this colour scheme below from Design Seeds which helped with the inspiration for the colours to use.
I used over forty different fabrics. None of them scraps!
I found a fabulous flannel that worked beautifully for the backing. I ordered it online and when it arrived it was one of those miraculous moments - a perfect match. How often does that happen when you order something from a computer screen and just hope that it will work!
"Grey Skies and Sunshine" in it's new home, and a perfect match for the kitchen wall the kitchen cabinets and the sofa.
Bloggers Quilt Festival for me, is a wonderful way to find new and interesting blogs and find some beautiful quilts that I may have missed otherwise. If you leave a comment I'll definitely pop on over to have a look at your festival quilt too.
Thank you so much to Amy for hosting the festival and also to the sponsors that make it all the more exciting.

This is the second Raw Edge Circle Quilt from a tutorial by Allison at Cluck Cluck Sew, that I've made. It's such a simple but effective design and was finished earlier this year. This quilt came about as I was trying to think of a design to make as a house warming present for very good friends of mine. With a little bit of sleuth work I found out that the colour scheme for the house was going to be neutrals and browns and that there was going to be a burnt orange glass splashback in the kitchen.
Fortunately I spied this colour scheme below from Design Seeds which helped with the inspiration for the colours to use.
My original colour palette included more browns, but it just didn't work well. In fact it looked pretty awful.
I added some oranges, it didn't look much better.
Eventually I decided to remove most of the browns and add a lot more dark and burnt oranges.
I'm so glad I persevered with playing with the colour choices as it really made a difference. The idea was to use the oranges and creams for the circles and the greys and browns as the background for each block.
I quilted the circles with a simple spiral, and a meandering pattern for the background. The quilting wasn't dense as I wanted a soft finish that would drape well.
I'm so very happy with this one and I hope you like it too.
Thank you so much to Amy for hosting the festival and also to the sponsors that make it all the more exciting.