Apologies to anybody who has already seen the result of the first pouch but thanks to freaking out about the two swaps I'm in, I don't have lots of new things to show this week. Fortunately there was a teensy bit of progress on my ideas for the swaps.
There's been two trial runs on making zippered purses/pouches for the Mouthy Stitches Swap. The first one, the zip was just that little bit too long. I followed a tutorial which was fairly good in general but I had a couple of problems with it, and there are definitely things I would change if I used that tutorial again. I also put a pocket inside this one too.

The second pouch I used a combination of Katy's tutorial and the zipper insertion tutorial Katy recommended at Sew Sweetness but I cut the zip just a little too short this time, my fault not the tutorial's fault. I'm much happier with the construction of this one, although not so happy with the overall shape. The triangle is made up of 25 paper pieced triangles in Lark by Amy Butler.
Now I'm crossing everything that third time will do it.
I think I've also,
after changing my mind about 3,895 times,
come up with something that my partner will really like.

I love this, I'm hoping it looks as good once I've sewn it all together and made it into a pouch. The pressure is on, as there are some beautiful pouches appearing from some very talented people.
I've been working on the Name Game Swap as well, where I make a mini quilt with the name of my partner or partner's blog on it. That has been difficult as I have a very silent partner, not a peep out of her since the swap began. I'm hoping she will like it anyway.
I've cut out her name and fused it to the background. I still need to fuse the pieces from the pic above.
Here's a couple of very tiny pieces of it.

I can't show you any more as it will spoil the surprise for my partner.
Finally I received my Lily Quilt back from Fiona my longarm quilter. It looks fabulous, not that you can tell from this really crappy photo.

I'm finding it difficult to decide what to use for the binding. I don't want to buy any more fabric, so I've tried to find something in my stash. This is where I need your opinion. Does this look better than just ok? It's a Kaffe stripe, I can't decide whether it's a good match or just ok. Which usually means that I should find something else, maybe a solid, or possibly scrappy, although I don't have much left of the fabrics I used in the quilt. Please help what do you think?
Worked On This Week
Mouthy Stitches Swap
Name Game Swap
Lily Quilt
Tiggly Winks
Material Obsession BOM
Amitie BOM
This Weeks Statistics
Finished - 2 (pouches)
Worked On - 4 ( 3 pouches and 1 mini quilt)
Ignored - everything else
New - 2 pouches, I mini quilt
Next week I hope to get back into playing with some of my long term projects. The pressure has been on to try and make something interesting and different for both my partners. Never having made a zippered pouch before, it's been a bit of a steep learning curve and lots of practice so that I can send something decent that won't fall apart or elicit a......what the? response when it's received.
Thanks again to Lee for hosting WIP Wednesday, click on the button to check out what else has been happening this week.
There's been two trial runs on making zippered purses/pouches for the Mouthy Stitches Swap. The first one, the zip was just that little bit too long. I followed a tutorial which was fairly good in general but I had a couple of problems with it, and there are definitely things I would change if I used that tutorial again. I also put a pocket inside this one too.

The second pouch I used a combination of Katy's tutorial and the zipper insertion tutorial Katy recommended at Sew Sweetness but I cut the zip just a little too short this time, my fault not the tutorial's fault. I'm much happier with the construction of this one, although not so happy with the overall shape. The triangle is made up of 25 paper pieced triangles in Lark by Amy Butler.
Now I'm crossing everything that third time will do it.
I think I've also,
after changing my mind about 3,895 times,
come up with something that my partner will really like.

I love this, I'm hoping it looks as good once I've sewn it all together and made it into a pouch. The pressure is on, as there are some beautiful pouches appearing from some very talented people.
I've been working on the Name Game Swap as well, where I make a mini quilt with the name of my partner or partner's blog on it. That has been difficult as I have a very silent partner, not a peep out of her since the swap began. I'm hoping she will like it anyway.
I've cut out her name and fused it to the background. I still need to fuse the pieces from the pic above.
Here's a couple of very tiny pieces of it.

I can't show you any more as it will spoil the surprise for my partner.
Finally I received my Lily Quilt back from Fiona my longarm quilter. It looks fabulous, not that you can tell from this really crappy photo.

I'm finding it difficult to decide what to use for the binding. I don't want to buy any more fabric, so I've tried to find something in my stash. This is where I need your opinion. Does this look better than just ok? It's a Kaffe stripe, I can't decide whether it's a good match or just ok. Which usually means that I should find something else, maybe a solid, or possibly scrappy, although I don't have much left of the fabrics I used in the quilt. Please help what do you think?
Worked On This Week
Mouthy Stitches Swap
Name Game Swap
Lily Quilt
Tiggly Winks
Material Obsession BOM
Amitie BOM
This Weeks Statistics
Finished - 2 (pouches)
Worked On - 4 ( 3 pouches and 1 mini quilt)
Ignored - everything else
New - 2 pouches, I mini quilt
Next week I hope to get back into playing with some of my long term projects. The pressure has been on to try and make something interesting and different for both my partners. Never having made a zippered pouch before, it's been a bit of a steep learning curve and lots of practice so that I can send something decent that won't fall apart or elicit a......what the? response when it's received.
Thanks again to Lee for hosting WIP Wednesday, click on the button to check out what else has been happening this week.
I love your blog, your fabric selections and creations are beautiful! I'll definitely add you to my blog list!
ReplyDeleteYour pouch is going to be lovely! It must be really annoying to have a silent partner.
ReplyDeleteYour pouches look wonderful so far, I'm sure your partners will be pleased with what they receive.
ReplyDeleteYou shouldnt worry so much Marg, all of your pouches are beautiful and i think you are onto a real winner with the third one! The Lily quilt looks gorgeous and my usual route with binding is the brightest or most contrasting fabric i can find! I think a bright scrappy binding would look fantastic! Have fun!
Your pouches look great! Sewing projects is like quilting, you know where all the flaws are, no one else would notice.
ReplyDeleteI like the stripe, but if you don't love it try something else. You said you don't want to buy something new, but after all the effort and then paying for someone to quilt it shouldn't you be sure you finish it the way you are happiest? I tend to do the same, try to make stuff work, but as My Guy points out after all that effort does it make sense to compromise at the end. If you do buy new fabric to finish it, you can blame me. Hope that helps.
Love what you've come up with for the pouch swap. The combination of colours is very pretty.
I love the colours you are working with at the moment. I'm sure your swap partners will be tickled pink!
ReplyDeleteI love the rainbow pouch you're making! So bright and pretty!
ReplyDeleteI like the Kaffe stripe in the picture, but if your gut isn't sold on it, then you should try another fabric. What I've learned is, just because other folks like it, even if they like it a lot, doesn't mean it's right for me. After all, this is art, and no one can tell you when your art is right. Only you will know. Good luck! :)
ReplyDeleteFirst off, if your partner doesn't like that pouch, I'll take it!!! The ones you have already made are wonderful!
ReplyDeleteThe fabric you are considering for the binding looks whimsical. I like it. A solid would give the quilt a more formal look. Guess it depends on what you're going for.
I am very excited to see the finished product of your Name Game Swap. I really wanted to participate in that but don't have the time. I really like the third pouch you are making for the other swap. I found your blog through the Freshly Pieced link up and I am becoming a follower! Great work!
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of your rainbow pouch! And it isn't even made yet :). I personally like the stripes, and I'm amazed with how well the colors go with your fabrics! Beautifully made!
ReplyDeleteI'm loving your pouchy ideas! The rainbow one is looking really special! Great quilting on your lily quilt, it looks beautiful. I quite like the stripes for your binding. I think it's a good match to be pulled from your stash. But if your not sure then don't do it! You're the one that will have to live with it.
ReplyDeleteLove those pouches! The fabrics on the first two are just awesome, and the rainbow idea is great! Can't wait to see that one come together!
ReplyDeletethat's going to be a gorgeous pouch marg.
ReplyDeletere the lily quilt - i adore the kaffe stripe - but if you're not sold on it, i have some of the paler pink kumari garden fabric if you'd like it for the binding - let me know and i'll try and post a pic
I think the Kaffe stripe looks fab. i would use it that's for sure.
ReplyDeletehmm. not sure on the binding, it looks like it works to me, but only you can know for sure! If you went to all that effort to make the quilt, you should LOVE the binding! Right? And your pouches are awesome, don't sell yourself short! Fear of failure or judgement is the ultimate hindrance to progress, or at least it is for me :D