Monday, May 10, 2010

Recipe Heaven

I just found a fabulous website,    Tastespotting. You just have to go visit it, it is where people put fabulous photos of food and a link back to the original recipe. Here are just two recipes from this website.  Darn it, I didn't need to find more things to while away my day on the internet!!!!

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookies

Find them here: thewoodenspoon

Hello Kitty Oreos

Find them here: justjenn

These are for you Mrs P.


  1. O.M.G.....I think I've died and gone to
    Oreo-ville. When I saw chocolate chip and Oreo's in the same sentence let alone in the same cookie I nearly had an apoplexy from excitement.

    I'm really wanting to cook these now...Is this part of some sinister plot to make my arse the size of Queensland?

  2. The photos are so good, you could reach into the screen to grab one. I originally had the photos on the post, but they kept on disappearing. The helllo kitty oreos are a recipe on how to make oreos, so you should check that one out too, maybe you could make them into a frog shape, ha ha.


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