Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Finding motivation

I'm going to admit here and now that I am having a great deal of difficulty in keeping up with my projects. I have no excuse other than to admit that I jump from one thing to another and I take on way too many things at once. It has led to a bit of stress around Chez Sunshine, which is ridiculous because I'm not trying to solve world peace.
The more I have on my plate, the more I tend to ignore it, so for the last few weeks I've been putting off  all of my current projects, preferring to rearrange fabric piles, read books for more inspiration (which I don't need right now as I don't need to start anything else yet) or just do nothing at all.
The last few days I've been setting small goals, to see if that would help and it has made a huge difference. I still haven't finished anything but I've achieved quite a lot.

  • Tidied up my rather substantial fabric stash which was lying on the dining table (purchases from the previous couple of weeks) taking up an awful lot of room.
  • Quilted and sewn the binding to the front of Not Not Karma's quilt - I'll explain the name when I finish the binding, and have a photos to show, it just needs hand binding to the back to finish.
  • Cut out all the background, batting, backing and flower and leaf pieces for the French Roses quilt.
  • Quilted half a dozen of the blocks for the French Roses quilt.
  • Put together a Dresden plate for Lily's Quilts quilt along.

Along with aiming for smaller goals I have been using essential oils in my oil burner, you may remember I wrote a post about my oil burners here back in November. 
I found the Motivating blend and I think it may have made a difference, even if it didn't it's made the house smell nice again!


  1. You are a person who doesn't like to get bored, that is why you start so many projects at once. Tell yourself you are up to a 15 minute a day challenge. You will work on a project for 15 minutes. Once you get going sometimes you don't want to quit. Once you can keep up with that then make it where you will work for 15 minutes on a project you don't want to do before you will allow yourself to work on a project you do want to do. If you can do that, you will have all your projects done in no time at all. :D I hope it helps get your mojo back!

  2. I wish I had all the motivation needed to get everything finished you just showed. That would probably take me a few weeks..

  3. I so know that feeling, it's like the more you tell yourself to concentrate on what you've already got going, the more your brain comes up with new ideas to do. Silly me said I would finish half my unfinished projects before I started something new, and while I'm getting there, I can't help but wonder if maybe getting something new into my system wouldn't give me a much needed break, and then I could come back to my slaving refreshed and re-motivated. I don't really have any small projects thought up, but I could entertain myself with a quilted cushion I suppose. That wouldn't count, right?

  4. The French Roses are looking divine. A bit of inspiration there for me perhaps but I dont need any more projects !

    So glad you had a craty day. You sound like you're feeling more on top of some of those projects of yours already. It's dreadful when you feel like you're being controlled or guilted by your crafty objects!

    Hope tomorrow is as good as today was.

  5. might take a leaf from your book and do a little at a time and try and finish something before starting another....still loving the roses

  6. You are doing way better than me! And I'm glad that you are sticking to your smaller targets. I cannot even find the motivation to look at a piece of fabric at the moment - it's all just bleugh. Thanks for showing us that maybe tackling things in a different way can make a big difference.

  7. I think mini-goals is the way to go. I know for me big ones can be overwhelming and then I feel like a failure for not having achieved them. So congrats on the small goals!

  8. I get that sometimes. Just being so overwhelmed that you spend your time going around in circles, ugh!! You're doing the right thing by breaking it into small steps. I myself had a big tanty about not having enough time in my life for all I wanted to do but that got me nowhere, so I'm back to just one bit at a time.

  9. I think we forget sometimes this is supposed to be what we do for fun. I am a very good "starter" and sometimes feel like I'm not getting anywhere but I just walk away, read a book or do something unfabric related until the urge comes back. I think your projects are lovely and you are achieving quite a lot. Remember too "Be nice to yourself"

  10. I always have a few projects on the go and jump from one thing to another. I just get bored looking at the same thing all the time , so i like to take a break, do something else and come back to it . I think it keeps it interesting.

    You know what the most important thing is though dont you Marg .... HAVE FUN!!!!


  11. Hi Marg, I'm so happy to see I'm not the only one!! I am the perennial starter, with not so many things getting finished. Variety is the spice of life. LOL

  12. Nice to know I am not the only procrastinator! :-) But at least you start things... I just have the intentions most of the time!


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