My contribution to the night was hand sewing the binding to the back of a quilt.
Everything was going perfectly, I accomplished quite a bit.
Now I have to warn you scaredy cats that don't like creepy crawlies, avert your eyes now, go off and have a coffee and don't come back until my next post. I am slightly concerned that if I post this I will turn away thousands of potential travellers to our fine land. Also don't read any further if you don't like swearing, it has been sensored, but....................
I spotted this.
take a look, doesn't look that big does it, but that is about 3.5 metres (11 ft) away up above my head. Here's a close up.
I wasn't too bothered by it, until I took a pic with a flash,
The emails went back and forth like this (heavily sensored as I don't want people to think that Mrs P and I use anything but polite language.)
Me:Look what I just saw when I came back in
Mrs P: Grab the Pea Beu and kill that ######.
Me: Don't worry I have just used half a can on the #######. It's about 3-4
inches across. The cats are going crazy now.

Mrs P: Your cat looks possessed...
Me: I can't go to bed now until that ####### dies. It's only about 10
metres from my bedroom, that's way too close for me.
Mrs P: Stuff a towel under your's going to die. A horrible death. Like
agent orange for spiders horrible. It usually only takes 5 minutes.
agent orange for spiders horrible. It usually only takes 5 minutes.
Me: It's taken freaking longer than 5 mins, and it has only looked pissed
off, not even looking like its in its final death throws.Mrs P: ( a very helpful comment here from her at this stage) Maybe it's a super spider and you just gave it extra powers with the spray?
It's probably sending out subliminal messages to all the spider friends andtheyre converging on your house as we speak...
Me: I think I'm going to die from fly spray poisoning before that nuclear
######## does. Maybe its a cockroach in a spider suit. Mrs P: Can you see a zip? If you can see a zip it's in fancy dress...
Me: I'm not getting that ######### close. You can come over and have a look if you like, or maybe send Michael.
A few minutes later.
Me: I went over to watch TV while i was waiting for it to die and it
followed me over......#########
Mrs P: OMG it's STALKING you.
Another quarter of an hour later.
Me: It hasn't moved for ages now, fingers crossed
Mrs P: It ‘s probably faking it- if you go to bed – it will get into your booze cabinet. You don’t want to be confronted by an drunk surly spider at 3 am do you?
Me: You're making me cry, I am going to have nightmares. Not my booze cabinet aaaaahhhhh!
Me: I'm going to bed, if you don't hear from me in the morning, you know I have been attacked by a mutant spider that has got super spider powers from being sprayed with a couple of litres of fly spray.
Good night. I hope I wake up in the morning ( without a spider staring at me) now I'm freaking myself out. If you don't hear from me call the police.
Me: I survived the night, mwaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I got the #######, still wondering whether it was a cockroach in a spider suit though,
I don't find your conversation the least bit unusual! I had a similsr encounter the other night too . They are on the move with Spring coming. By the time I got back with the spray can and the camera it was gone!!!
ReplyDeleteCoated the whole area with spray the retreated to another room so I could breathe. Found it dead 2 days later.
Memo to self: buy a dozen cans of spray and leave them strategicly placed all over the house.
Give me a snake any day!
Oh No, no, no! I didn't need that before my first coffee of the day. I know you gave a warning of clear and present danger - but more fool me I couldn't resist!
ReplyDeleteAnd that's exactly the way it happened folks. And now you know how much bad language I really use.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you survived the spider attack Marg, so you might blog about it and out us both as potty mouths.
(I have never laughed so hard as I did last night when we had those emails flying back and forth and again today when I read this post)
You two had me ROFL!!! I used to get upset about those spiders until I moved to the tropics and now that one was just a baby :-)
ReplyDeletePS My cat minnie knows the spider call and comes running and she actually eats them for me...Super cat! Unfortunately she now lives outside and Hamish is a dead loss. I came home to a dead mouse inthe house today and I think it died of old age not from Hamish although my youngest rewarded Hamish for the efforts...he is like Garfield, like he needs food! PS did you get any sewing done??
Oh dear, that is one freakin' big spider. What kind is it? Size-wise it reminds me of a tarantula, but the ones we have here in the States are furrier than that.
ReplyDeleteConfession: While I don't like spiders in my house (they get confused about whose house it actually is), I do find them a bit fascinating. Can you imagine having 8 eyes?
Anyway, I'm glad you didn't have to confront a drunken, mutant, ninja spider in the morning.
The quilt is looking great btw. I enjoy binding because it's the final step before DONE!
Almost fell about laughing we live in the country out behind you in fact I can see the hills behind Caloundra down the valley from our house. Do you think the spiders from here go there or vice versa....I had one that big the other day...they terrify me. Everyone says leave them they wont harm you...Nooooo I dont believe that.
ReplyDelete...visitors comment on the fact that there is a tin of flyspray by the doorway of every room in the house..
Advice: buy shares in the fly spray business i will make you wealthy.
Hilarious! Easy for me to say, safely here on the other side of the world. Glad Mrs. P was offering such helpful and colorful phrases to ease your pain.
ReplyDeleteAnd my daughter gets upset at spiders the size of a pinhead--I can only imagine how loud the screams would be if she saw one of these! I don't even own a can of fly spray.