Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday ?

I need a change, I think ADD is kicking in again, I'm over Tuesday Tidbits. Umm........ no I'm not over the idea of Tuesday Tidbits, I'm just over the title. I've been thinking on and off for a few weeks to change the title but can't come up with anything that sounds interesting and possibly slightly flaky, because we all know I don't take myself at all seriously.
I really like having a post each week where I can post about lots of little things happening at Chez Sunshine that don't necessarily need a whole post to themselves. So if anyone out there can come up with an interesting and of course extremely witty title, please feel free to help me out. Sorry no give aways in it for you.  I did say feel free!  :P

This week has been busy at Chez Sunshine. To cut a long story short, I'm having the wardrobes in my bedroom and Bitchypoo's bedroom re-vamped.  I was told that they wouldn't be able to fit them until the end of this week, possibly next week. We had a phone call Friday to say that they would be able to come on Tues and Wed, that's today and tomorrow. Panic ensued at Chez Sunshine as we realised the enormity of having to remove 12 years of accumulated crap in our wardrobes.  Saturday was already booked up and Bitchypoo works Saturdays so Sunday we spent taking everything out of our wardrobes and putting them into piles - rubbish, give away, and keep.  It was a very cathartic experience as I do tend to hoard. I keep lots of stuff  - just in case. Hopefully I will never get bad enough to star on an episode of The Hoarders.
While I was on a roll, throwing things out, I made inroads into the linen cupboard as well. The above pic is what came out of there, (not what my house looks like normally with piles of crap everywhere, I'm not quite that bad yet.)

This is a before shot of my wardrobe, well technically it's a before the wardrobe was revamped shot, as it's definitely NOT before I took most of my crap out of there.

On to far more exciting things.

Yesterday I had a lovely day at Patchwork Angel. Jenny was running a class on a quilt "French Roses".
I'll post pics of that in my next post.

Last night I made myself sew on the binding to dad's quilt. Today I'm I was going to start the hand sewing to finish the binding, but it's stinking hot here, it's possibly one of the warmest days we've had this year. I just checked the thermometer out on the verandah and it's showing 36C (97F), so much for being Autumn. 

Trying to think about Autumn in this heat, here's the fabrics I've gathered so far for the Autumn in Paris quilt. I find that my fabric choice changes as I progress on the quilt, I like to see how it's going and sometimes I add more and sometimes I take some away as they just don't look quite right.  That's what I find exciting when using lots of different designs and fabric ranges from my stash rather than sticking with the one range. If you have any trouble in trying to pick what "goes" together it's always safe to use fabrics from the same range as the designer has already done the hard work for you, but if you like to try to choose your own, the fabulously brilliant Kerry from VeryKerryBerry has guest posted on Lily's Quilts on how to choose fabric.

P.S. Still haven't heard from George, yet.


  1. How satisfying to have a good decrappify (new word I think). I am trying to get motivated for a garage sale. Perhaps if you post the neatly rearranged shelves it will motivate me.

  2. Good girl. you are certainly on your way to getting a new wardrobe/make over. Keep going.

  3. Spring cleaning is good for the soul; you'll feel so much better when you're done.

  4. If you throw some stuff out it's a good excuse yo go buy new things to fill up all that empty space.

    I'm predicting you'll buy fabric for the empty linen cupboard...

    Love the fabrics for your next quilt. Im going to try auditioning fabrics like that for one of my quilts.

  5. I bet it feels good to have a clear out, its good feng shui for your cupboard and your mind! I love your fabric picks for the autumn quilt. Sorry i cannot help out with any witty titles for your weekly posts Marg!

  6. Thanks for the link to choosing fabrics, just what I need right now :-) Love that selection for Autumn in Paris!

  7. love your dad's quilt! Did you give it to him for his birthday?

    I can't believe the wardrobe people called and you had just a short amount of time to purge! I personally love throwing things away - rarely have I ever regretted it later - I think it's good for the soul (and for those less fortunate, if you can find a great place to give it to)!!!


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